
Follow the new ships and additions to the Timeline from here.


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01/05/2012     - Left Shipbucket and asked for link to Homepage to be removed. They removed whole thread.

04/05/2012     - Redrawn all of the Australis-Commonwealth ships that I had to remove. The early UK designs are now better than my originals.

05/05/2012     - Added Venezuelan AC Caracas (ex USS Tennesee type) to Other Ships page. (Venezuelan CL's to come)

07/05/2012     - Added Venezuelan CL 'Bolivar' (ex USS Chester) to other ship pages.

                         - Added CSS Cuba BC-1916 and upgrade to other ships pages.

11/05/2012     - Added CSS Tijuana class CL 1915/16 to Other Countries pages.

                         - Added CSS Santa Fe class CL 1918, to other Countries page

                         - Added CSS Tuscaloosa class CL 1925, to Other Countries pages

                         - Added BAV Falcon CB 1936, to Othe Countries pages

13/05/2012     - Added the Blurb for Whittles World theories. Complete text on Whittles World page.

15/05/2012 - Added Brazilian BNS Bahia (CLA) to Other Countries page

                       Added Brazilian BNS Amazonas (CV) to Other Countries page

19/05/2012 - Added Whittles War page where earlier jets will be looked at.

21/05/2012 - Added BNS Pernambuco (BC) to Other Countries page.

22/05/2012 - Added some Early Sea Jets to Whittles World (both early and mid-war now)

24/05/2012 - Added HMAS Van Diemen to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles world

26/05/2012 - Added HMAS Tasman Sea to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles World.

27/05/2012 - Added HMCS Bonaventure to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles World.

29/05/2012 - Added HMAS Endeavour to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles World.

30/05/2012 - Added HMAS Atlantic to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles World.

                       Added HMS Africa (BC) to Commonwealth Navy.

31/05/2012 - Added Ship dispositions and building table to Commonwealth Navy page.

02/06/2012 - Added HMS Illustrious and Implacable to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles World.

05/06/2012 - Added Brazilian BNS Tocantis (CA) to Other Countries page

                       Upgraded Sea Battles pages, more info on battles.

06/06/2012 - Added Brazilian BNS Alagoas (CL) to Other Countries page

08/06/2012 - Added Brazilian BNS Fortaleza (DD) to other Countries page

09/06/2012 - Added Brazilian - DD Belem, DDL Manaus to Other Countries page.

10/06/2012 - Added HMS Ark Royal to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles World.

10/06/2012 - Added HMS Audacious to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles World.

13/06/2012 - Added HMS Centaur to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles World.

15/06/2012 - Added HMS Malta to Aircraft Carriers in Whittles World. (last one)

16/06/2012 - Added KM Westfallen to Germanic States on Other countries page.

18/06/2012 - Added FAN Guynemer to France on Other Countries page.

19/06/2012 - Added FAN Lyon to France on Other Countries page. (upgraded Argentinian ARA Rivadavia BB)

20/06/2012 - Added HMS Invincible (BB) to Commonwealth page (Upgraded Brazilian Riachuello BB)

22/06/2012 - Added Argentinian cruisers Tierra del Fuego (CA) and Neuquen (CL) to Argentina Navy page.

23/06/2012 - Added Argentinian cruiser Rawson (CLA) and Halcon (DDL) to Argentinian Navy page.

25/06/2012 - Added Argentinian destroyers Cervantes and Galiano to Argentinian Navy page.

26/06/2012 - Added Argentinian minelayer Jaguar to Argentinian Navy page.

28/06/2012 - Added Argentinian cruisers Independencia and Ushuala to Argentine Navy page.

30/06/2012 - Added Argentinian battleship L'Argentina to Argentine Navy page.

01/07/2012 - Revamped page layouts for Navy pages

03/07/2012 - Added the torpedo ship CSS TS-01 to the US Navy page

06/07/2012 - Added the CV Santa Catarina to Brazilian Navy in South America listing.

07/07/2012 - Updated USS TS-01 types through to end of war.

09/07/2012 - Added cruiser ARA Chaco to Argentinian Navy in South America Listing

11/07/2012 - Added battleships ARA Corrientes class to Argentinian Navy in South America Listing

12/07/2012 - Added battlecruiser ARA Tucuman to Argentinian Navy in South America Listing

14/07/2012 - Added CV ARA Neuve de Julio to Argentinian Navy in South America Listing

16/07/2012 - Added CV Zulia to Venezuelan Navy in South America Listing - added notes on Wrangels Fleet.

17/07/2012 - Added BC Trujillo to Venezuelan Navy in South America Listing

21/07/2012 - Added AC Nueva Esparta to Venezuelan Navy in South America Listing

21/07/2012 - Added KM Bismarck to Germanic States Navy in Major Powers page.

23/07/2012 - Added KM Wurtemburg to Germanic States Navy in Major Powers page.

24/07/2012 - Added Uruguyan cruisers Uruguay & Montevideo to Uruguyan Navy page in South America Listing.

24/07/2012 - Added KM Scharnhorst to Germanic States Navy in Major Powers page.

28/07/2012 - Added Kriegsmarine aircraft carriers Graf Zeppelin, Von Richtoften & Vaterland  to Germanic States Navy in Major Powers page.

30/07/2012 - Added Kriegsmarine aircraft carrier KM Goering to Germanic States Navy in Major Powers page.

31/07/2012 - Added 'discussion' page that you can post messages on. (Hopefully it will work properly) It did not. I will keep working on it

01/08/2012 - Added KM Magdeburg CLA to Germanic States Navy in Major Powers page.

05/08/2012 - Added BAV Anzoategui (BC) to Venezuelan page of South American pages.

07/08/2012 - Added BAV Amacuro (BC) and Maracaibo (BBT) to Venezuelan page of South American pages.

09/08/2012 - Added BAV Amazonas CA to Venezuelan page of South American pages.

11/08/2012 - Added BAV Aragua (CLA), Carabobo (CLA), Tachira (CV) to Venezuelan page of South American pages

12/08/2012 - Added BAV Sucre (CL-TS) (upgraded Tachira (CV) to Venezuelan page of South American pages

16/08/2012 - Added Netherlands navy page to European Page and added HNLMS ships Halland and Zeeland.

22/08/2012 - Added HNLMS Karel Doorman CV and HNLMS Tromp CLA to Netherlands Navy page of the Europe section

23/08/2012 - Added HNLMS's Bengalen (ES), De With (DDL), Van Ghent (DD), Java (CL) to Netherlands Navy page of the Europe section

24/08/2012 - Added HNLMS Celebes (BB) to Netherlands Navy page of the Europe section.

25/08/2012 - Added IJN Satsuma (SD-TS) to Japanese Navy in Major Powers page.

26/08/2012 - Added IJN Kashima (ADV-TS), IJN Settsu (CVE) & IJN Tsugaru (CLE) to Japanese Navy in Major Powers page.

28/08/2012 - Added IJN Kurama (ADV-TS), IJN Furutaka (CL) to Japanese Navy in Major Powers page.

30/08/2012 - Added IJN Ikoma (ADV-TS) to Japanese Navy & USS Puerto Rico (BC) to USA in Major Powers page.

01/09/2012 - Added FAN Brittany (BC) to French Navy in Major Powers page.

02/09/2012 - Added FAN Verdun & Savoy (BB) to French Navy in Major Powers page

03/09/2012 - Added FAN Danton (SD) & Condorcet (BB) to French Navy in Major Powers page

05/09/2012 - Added FAN Gloire (BC) and FAN Dupuy De Lome (CLA) to French Navy in Major Powers page

06/09/2012 - Added Italian Navy to Major Powers with their first ship the RM Livorno (BC)

07/09/2012 - Added RM Caracciolo (CV) to Italian Navy in Major Powers page.

08/09/2012 - Added RM Dante Alighieri and Regina Elena (BB/TS) to Italian Navy in Major Powers page.

09/09/2012 - Added RM Di Giussano (CLA) to Italian Navy in Major Powers page.

12/09/2012 - Added HMAS Oceania (BB) to Australis Navy in Major Powers page.

18/09/2012 - Added BAV Merida (AC) and Yaracuy (CL) to Venezuelan page of South American pages

20/09/2012 - Added BAV Gunare & San Cristobal (DD's) to Venezuelan page of South American pages

23/09/2012 - Added BAV San Carlos & Barquisimeto (DD's) to Venezuelan page of South American pages

25/09/2012 - Added BAV Cumana (DDL) & Angel Falls (MS/ES) to Venezuelan page of South American pages

29/09/2012 - Added ARA Mendoza (BC/TS), updated ARA Tucuman (BC) to Agentina page of South American pages

02/10/2012 - Added BNS Roraima (CL) to Brrazilian Navy page of South American pages

04/10/2012 - Added KM Z1 and Z9 (DDL's) to Germanic States page of Major Powers

05/10/2012 - Added KM Nurnberg (CL) to Germanic States page of Major Powers

06/10/2012 - Added KM cruisers, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Emden and Koln (CL/CLA) to Germanic States page of Major Powers

09/102012 - Added KM destroyers Z-25 and Z-51 (DD) to Germanic States page of Major Powers

12/10/2012 - Added KM DD T-60 to Germanic States page of Major Powers

14/10/2012 - Added KM T-31, T-01, V125 type DD/DDE's to Germanic States page of Major Powers

15/10/2012 - Added KM S-100 (SB), A-01 (TB), Bremse (ML), Riesig (ML), Luchs (FB) to Germanic States page of Major Powers

16/10/2012 - Redrawn KM Mackensen (BC) in Germanic States page of Major Powers

20/10/2012 - Added "Maps of my World" to Index page

22/10/2012 - Updated Confederate States of America (Major Powers) page and ships. Altered drawings where necessary.

23/10/2012 - Added CSS Monterey (BC) to CSN on Major Powers page.

25/10/2012 - Added CSS Georgia (BC) to CSN in Major Powers page.

26/10/2012 - Added CSS Guantanamo Bay (CV) to CSN in Major Powers page.

26/10/2012 - Added CSS Los Angeles (CA) to CSN in Major Powers page.

29/10/2012 - Added CSS Honduras (Mon) to CSN in Major Powers page.

30/10/2012 - Added CSS Miami (CA) to CSN in Major Powers page.

31/10/2012 - Added CSS Norfolk to CSN in Major Powers page.

02/11/2012 - Added CSS New Mexico (BB) to CSN in Major Powers page.

04/11/2012 - Added CSS Alabama (BB) to CSN in Major Powers page.

07/11/2012 - Added CSS San Diego (CL) to CSN in Major Powers page.

09/11/2012 - Added CSS Veracruz (BB) to CSN in Major Powers page.

11/11/2012 - Added CSS Nicaragua (CA) & Midway (CVL) to CSN in Major Powers page.

12/11/2012 - Added CSS Apache (CLA) to CSN in Major Powers page.

14/11/2012 - Added CSS Wake Island (CV) to CSN in Major Powers page.

16/11/2012 - Added CSS San Juan (CV) to CSN in Major Powers page.

17/11/2012 - Added CSS Manzanillo (CV) to CSN in Major Powers page.

18/11/2012 - Added CSS Tayacoba (CVE) to CSN in Major Powers page.

20/11/2012 - Added CSS Sampson (DDL) to CSN in Major Powers page.

21/11/2012 - Added CSS Marix (DD) to CSN in Major Powers page.

22/11/2012 - Added CSS McKinley (DDL) to CSN in Major Powers page.

24/11/2012 - Added CSS Dewey & Sigsbee (DD's) to CSN in Major Powers page (CUA page activated and being worked on)

25/11/2012 - Added CSS Schley (DD) to CSN, in Major Powers page.

26/11/2012 - Added CSS Glass (DD) to CSN in Major Powers page

28/11/2012 - Added CSS Lee (DD) to CSN in Major Powers page.

29/11/2012 - Added CSS Washburn (FG) and Greenbow (DDE) to CSN in Major Powers page.

29/11/2012 - Redrawn CSS San Diego (CL) - I never liked the bridge and funnels of the original that I did.

02/12/2012 - Added CSS Cape Fear & CSS Santee River (MS) to CSN in Major Powers page.

03/12/2012 - Added CSS Havana (ML) to CSN in Major Powers page.

04/12/2012 - Added Southern Africa to Maps page, Set up Southern Arican Navy page. (updating HMSAS vessels)

11/12/2012 - Added Southern African ships HMSAS Lesotho & Botswana to SAN page

14/12/2012 - Added Southern African ship HMSAS Angola to SAN page.

18/12/2012 - Added Southern African ship HMSAS Waterberg to SAN page.

19/12/2012 - Updated and completed Southern African cruisers (redrawn/renamed where applicable)

20/12/2012 - Redrawn HMS Golden Hind CV - now with top view

Since I have survived the end of the Mayan calendar, maybe this IS an alternate universe and I better keep working.

22/12/2012 - Added HMS Kitchener CV to UK Navy page in Major Powers.

25/12/2012 - Added HMSAS Zambesi River (DDE) to SAN page in Major Powers. Merry Xmas!!

26/12/2012 - Added HMSAS Capricorn (DDL) & HMSAS Springbok (ML) to SAN page in Major powers

28/12/2012 - Added HMSAS Crocodile (TS/ML) to SAN page in major powers.

29/12/2012 - Added HMSAS Wildebeest (TS) to SAN page in Major Powers.

29/12/2012 - Redrawn HMSAS Angola - didnt like the original I did.

30/12/2012 - Added HMSAS Rhinoceros (TS) to SAN page in Major Powers

01/01/2013 - Added HMSAS Duiker Island (SPD) to SAN in Major Powers page.  Happy New Year!!

03/01/2013 - Redrawn Southern African ships HMSAS Lesotho & Botswana - with new drawing available.

08/01/2013 - Added CUS Detroit (SC/CA) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages.

09/01/2013 - Added CUS Boston (AC/TS) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages.

10/01/2013 - Added CUS Providence (CL/A) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages.

11/01/2013 - Added CUS Salt Lake City (CA) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages.

12/01/2013 - Added CUS Philadelphia (CA) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages.

13/01/2013 - Added CUS Wichita (CA) & CUS Honolulu (CL) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages.

14/01/2013 - Added CUS Chicago (CL) & CUS Augusta (CA) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages.

15/01/2013 - Added CUS Vancouver (CA) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages.

16/01/2013 - Added CUS Washington (CV/L) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

17/01/2013 - Added CUS John Adams (CV) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

19/01/2013 - Added CUS Rhode Island (CV) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

19/01/2013 - Added CUS Washington Armoured Cruiser drawing to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

20/01/2013 - Added redrawn BAV Caracas Armoured/Battle Cruiser to Venezuelan Navy in South American Page.

29/01/2013 - Added CUS Pennsylvania (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

30/01/2013 - Added CUS Ulysses S Grant (CVL) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

31/01/2013 - Added CUS Woodrow Wilson (CVL) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

02/02/2013 - Added CUS Quebec (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

03/02/2013 - Added CUS Vermont (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

05/02/2013 - Added CUS Manitoba (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

06/02/2013 - Added CUS Redwood (CVE) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

07/02/2013 - Added CUS Montana (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

08/02/2013 - Added CUS Thomas Jefferson (CV) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

09/02/2013 - Added CUS Theodore Roosevelt (CV) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages (I am trying to do top views for these last two ships)

11/02/2013 - Added CUS Massachusetts (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

13/02/2013 - Added CUS Columbia (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

14/02/2013 - Added CUS Michigan (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

17/02/2013 - Added CUS Delaware (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

18/02/2013 - Added CUS Alberta (BB) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

21/02/2013 - Added CUS New Hampshire (TS/ADV) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

22/02/2013 - Added CUS Abraham Lincoln (CV) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

24/02/2013 - Added CUS Andrew Jackson (CV) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

25/02/2013 - Added CUS Anchorage (CLA) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

27/02/2013 - Added CUS Belmont (DD/E) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

01/03/2013 - Added CUS Appalachia (DD) & CUS Collins (DD) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

02/03/2013 - Added CUS Miller (DD) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

03/03/2013 - Added CUS Frankford (DD) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

04/03/2013 - Added CUS McLean (DDL) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

07/03/2013 - Added CUS Huntington (DD) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

09/03/2013 - Added Battleship Of The Future to the Index page. This is a one off idea of mine.

09/03/2013 - Added CUS Lawson (DD) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

10/03/2013 - Added CUS Drummond (DDL) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

12/03/2013 - Added CUS Maitland and CUS Colborne (DDE's) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

12/03/2013 - Added all big gun Battleship Of The Future to the Index page. This is a one off idea of mine.

13/03/2013 - Added CUS Hawaii (Mon) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

16/03/2013 - Added CUS Huron (FCC) to Commonwealth Union of America in Major Navy pages

19/03/2013 - Added GRN Galicia (BC) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

21/03/2013 - Added UK Battlecruiser to Battleship of the Future page.

22/03/2013 - Added GRN Bucharesti (BB) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

24/03/2013 - Added GRN Transilvania (BC) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

25/03/2013 - Added GRN Besarabia (BB) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

26/03/2013 - Added GRN Harghita (CVE) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

28/03/2013 - Added GRN Ploesti (AC/CB) to Galician Navy in European Navies page.

29/03/2013 - Added GRN Dobruja (CL) to Galician Navy in European Navies page Happy Easter!

30/03/2013 - Added GRN Wallachia (CB) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

01/04/2013 - Added GRN Volynia (DDL) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

02/04/2013 - Added GRN Bucovina (CL) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

03/04/2013 - Added GRN Montenegro (DD) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

05/04/2013 - Added GRN Serbia (DD) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

06/04/2013 - Added GRN Halych (DD) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

07/04/2013 - Added GRN Moldavia (CLA) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

08/04/2013 - Added GRN Dubrovnik (SD/TS) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

09/04/2013 - Added GRN S01-70 (SB) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

09/04/2013 - Redrawn GRN Dubrovnik / GRN Constanta (SD/TS) of Galician Navy in European Navies page

10/04/2013 - Added GRN BT Boat (ML) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

11/04/2013 - Added GRN Tirana (CVE) to Galician Navy in European Navies page

13/04/2013 - Added RM Torino (BCV) to Italian Navy in Major Powers page.

16/04/2013 - Started the Iberian Navy with the first ship added Reina Victoria Eugenia (BB) to the page (Added top View to Eugenia 25/04/2013)

17/04/2013 - Added IRN Dedalo (BCV) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page. (Added photos 21/04)

18/04/2013 - Added IRN Granada (BC) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page. (Added top View to Granada 27/04/2013)

20/04/2013 - Added IRN Espana (BB) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page. (Added top view to Espana 28/04/2013)

21/04/2013 - Added IRN Principe de Asturias (CV) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page. (added more photos and info)

22/04/2013 - Added IRN Ebro (CB) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page. (Added top view to Ebro 27/04/2013)

24/04/2013 - Added IRN Zaragoza (T/S) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page. (Added top view to Zaragoza 29/04/2013)

25/04/2013 - Updated Reina Victoria Eugenia (BB) drawing with top view. (Fixed the Eugenias errors the top view threw up)

27/04/2013 - Updated IRN Granada (BC) & IRN Ebro (CB) drawing with top view.

28/04/2013 - Updated IRN Espana (BB) drawing with top view.

29/04/2013 - Updated IRN Zaragoza (T/S) drawing with top view,

30/04/2013 - Added IRN Lisboa (BBR) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

01/05/2013 - Added IRN Pelayo (BB/TS) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

03/05/2013 - Added IRN Algarve (PD/TS) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

04/05/2013 - Added IRN Canarias (CB) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

05/05/2013 - Added IRN Malaga (CL) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

06/05/2013 - Added IRN Salamanca (CLA) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

08/05/2013 - Added IRN Valencia (CL) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

10/05/2013 - Added IRN Navarra (CL) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

12/05/2013 - Added IRN Mendez Nunez (CL) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

14/05/2013 - Added IRN Almirante Cervera (CL) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

16/05/2013 - Added IRN Ferrol (GS) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

18/05/2013 - Added IRN Mustango (DDL) & IRN Blas de Lezo (DD) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

19/05/2013 - Added IRN Vouga (DD) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

20/05/2013 - Added IRN Santa Maria (DD) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

22/05/2013 - Added IRN Cristobal Colon (BB) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

23/05/2013 - Upgraded IRN Cristobal Colon (BB) with Mk2 15" turrets, the modern turrets look better.

23/05/2013 - Added IRN Alsedo (DD-1916) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

24/05/2013 - Added IRN Numancia (DD-1915) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

26/05/2013 - Added IRN Albuquerque (PV-1936) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

27/05/2013 - Added IRN Castillo (GB) & IRN Tornado (ES) to Iberian Navy in European Navies page.

30/05/2013 - Added HSMS Norge (CDC) and written up blurb for Scandinavia in European Navies page.

31/05/2013 - Updated HSMS Norge (CDBC) with rebuild drawing to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

30/05/2013 - Added HSMS Gotaland (CDC) and written up blurb for Scandinavia in European Navies page.

31/05/2013 - Updated HSMS Gotaland (CDBC) with rebuild drawing to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

02/06/2013 - Added HSMS Kung Gustaf (CDBC) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

04/06/2013 - Added HSMS Odin (CDB) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

06/06/2013 - Added HSMS Drottning Ulrika (BC) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

08/06/2013 - Added HSMS Svealand (BC) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

10/06/2013 - Added HSMS Tre Kronor (CA) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

11/06/2013 - Added HSMS Gota Lejon (CV) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

13/06/2013 - Added HSMS Smaland (CLA) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

15/06/2013 - Added HSMS Stockholm (CLA) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

16/06/2013 - Added HSMS Valhalla (AC) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

20/06/2013 - Updated HSMS Valhalla (AC) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

23/06/2013 - Added HSMS Halogaland (CL) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

27/06/2013 - Added HSMS Asgard (CL) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

29/06/2013 - Added HSMS Jamtland (CL) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

02/07/2013 - Added HSMS Gotland (STK) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

05/07/2013 - Added HSMS Jotunheimr (CL) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

06/07/2013 - Added HSMS Viborg (CL) & HSMS Andromeda (MTB) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

07/07/2013 - Added HSMS Pegasus (MTB) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

11/07/2013 - Upgraded HSMS Pegasus (MTB) & Added HSMS Spica (MTB) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

14/07/2013 - Added HSMS Ornen (TCM) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

17/07/2013 - Added HSMS Wrangel (DD) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

20/07/2013 - Added HSMS Tampere (DD) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

23/07/2013 - Added HSMS Narvik (TB) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

26/07/2013 - Added HSMS Malmo (DDL) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

27/07/2013 - Added 1925 pic of HSMS Malmo (DDL) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

30/07/2013 - Added HSMS Upsalla Destroyer Series (DD's) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

02/08/2013 - Added HSMS Visby (DDL) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

05/08/2013 - Added HSMS Skagerak (GB) to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

08/08/2013 - Added Polithstovian Navy page with background setting and (maybe) list of ship types to be drawn.

10/08/2013 - Added Oscarsborg Fortress to Scandinavian Navy page in European Navies page.

12/08/2013 - Added PCS Polithstovia (BB) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

16/08/2013 - Added PCS Admiral Lech Wałęsa (BC) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

20/08/2013 - Added PCS Riga (AC) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

23/08/2013 - Added PCS Vilnius (CL) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

26/08/2013 - Added PCS Warsawa (CA) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

29/08/2013 - Added PCS Blyskawica (DDL) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

01/09/2013 - Added PCS Tajfun (DD) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

04/09/2013 - Added PCS Zywy (DD) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

10/09/2013 - I have had a major computer malfunction, my motherboard went phut and learnt to smoke all at the same time, which was bad enough, but somehow in failing the motherboard also destroyed the MBR and MFT of the hard drive on which my website is kept. While I can recover the site itself from my ISP all the support drawings and parts that I use to create the drawings from are gone. I have backups on other HDD's but they have not been backed up for a month or two which has lost me Scandinavia and Polithstovia. It will take me a while to recover the parts and drawings. I also have to get a new computer which will take a few weeks before I can get the funds released to pay for it. All in all the last three days have been hell (Spent trying to recreate partitions and boot records to recover the data lost). I hope the people who follow this site have had better days than mine. The drawings will continue in the future, it may just take me a couple of weeks to get back to square one. Nigevids.

31/10/2013 - I am finally back to square one. I have a nice new computer which arrived this morning. I now have the lovely job of reinstalling software and getting it to work with win8. New drawings and pages should start appearing in the next few days. My thanks to those people who made enquiries over the last 6 weeks (from hell) as to whether I would return or not. Your support was appreciated. Nigevids.

04/11/2013 - Added PCS Lake Peipus (MS) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

11/11/2013 - Added PCS Narva River (ES) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

26/11/2013 - Added PCS Mt Rysy (MS) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page.

04/12/2013 - Added PCS S-01 (MTB) to Polithstovian Navy page in European Navies page. (That is the last vessel for Polithstovia, next will be the Ottoman Empire - coming soon)

23/12/2013 - Added Ottoman Navy page and TCG Caka Bey (CL) in European Navy page.

13/01/2014 - Added TCG Yavuz Sultan Selim to Ottoman Navy page in the European Navy Section.

30/01/2014 - Added TCG Bodrum to Ottoman Navy page in the European Navy Section.

31/03/2014 - Added TCG Torgud Reis to Ottoman Navy page in the European Navy Section.

18/05/2014 - Added TCG Peyk-i Sevket to Ottoman Navy page in the European Navy Section.

23/05/2014 - Added 1960's version of TCG Torgud Reis to Ottoman Navy page in the European Navy Section.

17/06/2014 - Added redrawn HMAS Australis (BC) to Australis Navy page in Commonwealth section. (19/06 updated shading to show light from bow.)

24/06/2014 - Added redrawn HMAS Canberra (CA) to Australis Navy page in Commonwealth section.

26/06/2014 - Added redrawn HMAS Newcastle (CL) to Australis Navy page in Commonwealth section.

30/06/2014 - Added redrawn HMAS Albatross (CVE) and HMS Tintagel Castle (CVE) to the appropriate Commonwealth Navies sections.

25/07/2014 - Added redrawn GRN Dubrovnik (SD) and GRN Galicia (BC) to the Galician Navy in the European Navy section.

28/07/2014 - Added new GRN Dobruja (CL) to the Galician Navy in the European Navy section.

03/08/2014 - Added new drawings to GRN Hungaria BB to the Galician Navy in the European Navy section.

03/08/2014 - Added new page SB Challenges to Index Page.

29/08/2014 - Added HMS Roxburgh (CA) and 'D' Class Cruiser (CL) to SB Challenges Page, (redrawn images) HMS St Vincent (ADV) to the Commonwealth Navy page, HNLMS Celebes (BB) to Netherlands Navy page and

                    IRN    Reina Victoria Eugenia (BB) to Iberian Navy page .

06/09/2014 - Added redrawn HMS Illustrious (CV) and HMS Nelson (BB) to Commonwealth Navy page.

09/09/2014 - Added real 'D' class cruiser HMS Dunedin (CL), redrawn HMS Kitchener (CV), redrawn HMS Renown (BC), added more views to HMS Illustrious (CV) to Commonwealth Navy page.

09/11/2014 - Added King George V never were drawings,  E class cruisersHMS Incomparable project,  C class AA ships, to Shipbucket page.

28/11/2014 - Added D Class CLA proposals to Shipbucket drawings.

29/12/2014 - Added TCG Caliph (CL) to Ottoman Empire, RN F class (CL), HMS Musketeer (DD), HMS Leviathan (BC). Merry Xmas and a happy New Year to all of you who continue to watch this Webpage.

14/01/2015 - Added - (redrawn) HMS Duke of Kent  -  (redrawn) HMS Black Prince  -  KM Scharnhorst 13.8"  -  (redrawn) KM Graf Spee  - HMS Bellerophon  -  (Redrawn) IJN Kasagi

18/01/2015 - Added two more views of 1943 and a video from Silent Hunter to E Class cruisers in Shipbucket Challenges page.

12/03/2015 - Added lots more. HMS Indefatigable Class (G3-BC), First Battle of Denmark Strait, FAA Aircraft 1938-42, GNS Hawk (CV), UNK Zhdantiger (CLG), 1930-32 RN BC Designs, J, K, N class  design_process,

                    Alternative H, I, J, Class Destroyers, 25,000 ton challenge ships, RN Super Darings.

03/05/2015 - Another large update: South American Cruiser Challenge (9 drawings), HMS Courageous (BC), Fisherless Royal Navy (42 drawings), upgraded KM Prinz Eugen (CB).

09/07/2015 - Update: Fairey Eagle & Falcon Fighters, HMS Apollo CV, Indomitable Class CV, Colony Class Cruiser, 73 foot MTB's, Admiral Class BB, HMS Sentinel (BM-1929), Adventure Class (ML-1928), Abdiel Class ML,

                    River Class Frigates, Halcyon Class Minesweepers, Shakespear Class (WAIR), A-F Class DD-DDL, HMS Grafton (DD), HMS Zulu (DDL-1939), Bangor Type Utility Escorts, Chester Class (CL-1916),

                    Prince Class AMC/AAS, Andania Class CVE, HMS Agamemnon (CA), HMS Pegasus (CLA), HMS Laconia (AMC), Captain Class DDE, HMS Duke of York (US), Erebus Class Monitors, My First Dreadnought (2).

22/07/2015 - Added: IJN Hokkaido (AC), FAN Dunkerque (BB-1936), KM Scharnhorst/Bismarck (1938/41), HMS Bulwark (BB1927), SMS/KM Hindenburg (1917-41), LSS Pegaso (BC), USS Hawaii (CB-1916), HMS Naiad (CLA)

                    HMS Albatross (CVL-1937), USS Alaska (CB-1),

03/10/2015 - Added the complete new realm of Atlantis: Introduction, Atlantis Navy Page:  I am currently in the process of dreaming up my next project. Will keep you all posted.

21/10/2016 - My apologies for not doing more to update this page, but life sometimes gets in the way of my unreal world. Hopefully you will find something in my latest series. The Incan Empire.

                    Introduction, Incan Navy Page - this is an unfinished Empire and has more drawings to come.

23/10/2016 - Added more ships to the Incan Navy Page.

25/10/2016 - Added the Algarvian Empire, Introduction, Algarve Navy Page. (Another uncompleted Empire I am working on)

27/10/2016 - Added IJN Konishi, USS Virgin Islands, USS Pensacola, USS Omaha.

29/10/2016 - Added rebuilt IJN Konishi. Since I now have a lot more space to play with (10gb instead of 100mb) I will be going back to adding photos, overheads, and other nice extras. I will also be going through and
                    revamping the whole site. Redoing old drawings to bring them in line to my later skill set. This will take some time but be worth it in the end.

30/10/2016 - Added River Class, Cape Class, Stockton Class destroyers, and Mountain Class Flotilla Leaders to Algarve Republic.

01/11/2016 - Added Barracuda class destroyer escorts, and Sparta Class cruisers to Algarve Republic.

02/11/2016 - Added Andros Class cruisers, and Grey River Class destroyers to Algarve Republic.

03/11/2016 - Added Shark Class destroyers, and Weapon Class Destroyer Leaders to Algarve Republic.

04/11/2016 - Added AWS Hyperion (CV), AWS Athena 1950's Rebuild to Atlantis Navy pages (& aircraft Carrier page at bottom). I will go through Atlantis and give the ships their own pages soon.

05/11/2016 - Added ARS Grossmont (ACR) to Algarve Republic.

06/11/2016 - Added New ships and versions to Atlantis Empire Navy. Navy Page Sheet, BB Panacea, BB Olympia.

07/11/2016 - The cruiser section of the Navy page sheet is now complete. New ships added to Atlantis are: CA Helios, CA Apollo, CDC Jewel, CA Caribbean, CA Phanes, CA Cerberus, CLA Artemis.

08/11/2016 - The Aircraft Carrier section is now complete. New carriers added, CV Poseidon, CVL Hawk. Just the destroyers and escorts to finish.
                    Finished the Destroyer Pages, only new unit added was, FAC T-100

11/11/2016 - Added DD 1940 T-100 to Germanic States Navy Page.

13/11/2016 - Added Hyperion II, Version 3, drawing to Atlantis Navy Page.

14/11/2016 - Added CL 1930 Halcyon, to Atlantis Navy page.

16/11/2016 - I have done a lot of British/Commonwealth drawings which I have scattered throughout the site. There are 3 or 4 versions of the more popular ships. For some parts of the Navy pages I have deleted
                    some famous ships entirely. The ship(s) I leave out most often are the Renown and Admiral Classes of battlecruiser. Those I replace with fast battleships. That comes under the Fisherless RN. Admiral Fisher was
                    the main man behind the building of the Battlecruisers. Without him at the Admiralty then Britains last 3 battlecruisers would never have been built. Anyway I will be doing a complete revamp of the
                    Commonwealth Navy pages with all the different versions registered.

                    There are also a lot of drawings I did where I just used a close looking hull to produce a drawing from. In the last 5 years since I started doing this site, most of those drawings now have 'real' drawings that I
                    can now use to replace those original drawings with much better ones. The South American folders are one of those to redraw. Argentina is one where the German ships have been redrawn to a much higher
                    standard and will look a lot better with a redraw of its entire Navy.

23/11/2016 - I have started redoing the Royal Commonwealth Navy. Only those ships with their names in blue hyperlink have been done so far - 4 Aircraft Carriers - CV Argus, CV Courageous, CVL Hermes, CVL Vindictive.

26/11/2016 - Added CV Eagle 1923, to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

28/11/2016 - Added HMAS Van Diemen 1928 to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

29/11/2016 - Added HMS Goliath/Albion 1928, HMS Lord Kitchener 1928 to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

30/11/2016 - Added HMS Illustrious (G3) 1929, HMSAS Lesotho CVE, HMAS Albatross CVE, to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

01/12/2016 - Added HMS Apollo 1932, to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

04/12/2016 - Added HMS Ark Royal, HMS Andania, to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

06/12/2016 - Added FAN St. Louis to the French Navy page, (one for Alex). Updated Commonwealth carriers with missing Badges for each ship drawing.

09/12/2016 - Added redrawn HMS Illustrious page to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

11/12/2016 - Added HMS Albatross CVL, and HMS Unicorn pages to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

12/12/2016 - Added FAN Charlemagne to the St Louis page in the French Navy section.

13/12/2016 - Added CV Endeavour, CV Indefatigable, and CV Audacious to  Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                    Apology to those trying to get to the Argentine Navy Pages, I sorted those into the new index system I am using, but I have not yet redrawn the pages and drawings, then reconnected them.

14/12/2016 - Fixed some of the broken links for Argentina Pages, fixed up the Argentine Air Force. The ships will be done from now and redrawn ones will show up with the names as hyperlinks.

22/12/2016 - Added redrawn Argentinian Battleships Cordoba and Corrientes to Argentinian Navy page.

27/12/2016 - Added redrawn Argentinian Battleship class ARA Rivadavia to Argentinian Navy page

28/12/2016 - Added Argentinian Armoured Ship ARA Porto Nueva to Argentinian Navy page.

29/12/2016 - Added 'Disposition of the German Fleet 1919' page.

01/01/2017 - Added redrawn ARA Entre Rios to Argentinian Navy page.

03/01/2017 - Added new ARA Catamarca to Argentinian Navy page.

05/01/2017 - Added new ARA Santa Cruz to Argentine Navy page

06/01/2017 - Added new ARA Buenos Aires to Argentine Navy page.

09/01/2017 - Added redrawn ARA Tucuman to Argentine Navy Page.

11/01/2017 - Added redrawn ARA Mendoza to Argentine Navy page.

14/01/2017 - Added redrawn ARA 25 de Mayo to Argentine Navy page.

19/01/2017 - Added redrawn ARA Neuve de Julio to Argentine Navy page. (I had forgotten how much work goes into doing an overhead view.)

22/01/2017 - Added new drawings of ARA Tierra Del Fuego to Argentine Navy page. First of the cruisers.

23/01/2017 - Added new drawings of ARA Almirante Brown to Argentine Navy page.

25/01/2017 - Added new drawing of ARA Capitan Prat to Argentine Navy page.

01/02/2017 - Added new ship ARA Bahia Blanca to Argentine Navy page.

03/02/2017 - Added new drawings of ARA Rawson light cruisers to Argentine Navy page.

05/02/2017 - Added new drawings of ARA Formosa light cruiser / minelayers, to Argentine Navy page.

09/02/2017 - Added drawings of ARA Jaguar mine cruiser to Argentine Navy page.

13/02/2017 - Added drawings of ARA Ushuaia AA cruiser to Argentine Navy page.

14/02/2017 - Added new ship ARA Rosario Light Cruiser to Argentine Navy page.

16/02/2017 - Added drawings of ARA General Belgrano light cruiser to Argentine Navy page.

17/02/2017 - Added lucky last cruiser ARA Neuquen to Argentine Navy page.

16/03/2017 - First of the new destroyer classes - ARA Pilcamayo in Argentine Navy page.

28/03/2017 - Added drawings of ARA Matanza to the Argentine Navy page.

06/04/2017 - For something different, A-I Destroyer Leaders, added to the Commonwealth Navy Page
                    07/04 Added extra drawings to A-I destroyer leader page.

20/04/2017 - Added HMS Cornwall to the  Commonwealth Navy Page

23/04/2017 - Added HMS Leopard to the Commonwealth Navy Page.

25/04/2017 - Added HMS Lancaster to the Commonwealth Navy Page.

09/05/2017 - Added KM Riddermark to Germanic States Navy page.

17/05/2017 - Added KM Graf Von Roon to Germanic States Navy page.

30/05/2017 - Added SMS Blucher Class to Germanic States Navy page.

31/05/2017 - Added SMS Anhalt-Dessau (BC) to Germanic States Navy page.

09/06/2017 - Added SMS Admiral Schroder (CL) to Germanic States Navy page.

13/06/2017 - Added two more drawings to the SMS Admiral Schroder (CL) thread in the Germanic States Navy page.

22/06/2017 - Added SMS Nassau (BB) to Germanic States Navy page.

23/06/2017 - Added SMS Helgoland BB to Germanic States Navy page.

28/06/2017 - Added SMS Kaiser and rebuild to Germanic States Navy page. Added IRN Lisboa and rebuild to Iberian Navy page.

01/07/2017 - Having drawn the set of 'Superimposed' German battleships and battlecruisers, this has changed the whole timeline and I have had to draw a whole new set of ships, Including Argentinian that I only redrew 3-4
                    months ago. There is still a couple of German ships to do, mainly a new Bayern type with 16.5" guns and a new battlecruiser, probably with 15".
                    Added SMS Konig and rebuild to Germanic States Navy page. Added ARA Catamarca and rebuild to Argentine Navy page.

02/07/2017 - Added SMS Wurtemburg and rebuild to Germanic States Navy page.

03/07/2017 - Added FAN Verdun and rebuild to French Navy page.

15/07/2017 - Added Admiral Cochrane 14" Challenge page.

19/07/2017 - Added the Duke of Windsor and Duke of Gloucester to the Admiral Cochrane 14" Challenge page.

26/07/2017 - Added start page for Russian/Soviet Navy - Added ACR Rurik II to the page.

27/07/2017 - Added Kagul class cruisers to Russian/Soviet Navy page

31/07/2017 - Added Borodino Class drawings to Russian/Soviet Navy page

06/08/2017 - Added new land of Zealandia.

09/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Isengard (BB) to Zealandia Navy page.

11/08/2017 - Added new ships RZS Gondor (BC) and RZS Eriador (CV) to Zealandia Navy page.

12/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Celduin (DDL) to Zealandia Navy page.

13/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Arnor (CV) to Zealandia Navy page.

14/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Rhun (CVE) to Zealandia Navy page.

15/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Nindalf (CVL) to Zealandia Navy page.

15/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Gandalf (CA) to Zealandia Navy page.

16/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Rhovanion (BB) to Zealandia Navy page.

17/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Vinyamar (BB) to Zealandia Navy page.

18/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Rivendell (BB) to Zealandia Navy page.

19/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Rohan (CL) to Zealandia Navy page.

21/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Celeborn (CA) to Zealandia Navy page.

22/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Khand (CA) and RZS Minas Ithil (CL) to Zealandia Navy page.

23/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Harad (CLM) to Zealandia Navy page.

24/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Anduril (CLM) to Zealandia Navy page.

25/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Numenor (BC) to Zealandia Navy page.

26/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Minas Tirith (CL) to Zealandia Navy page.

27/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Glaurung (DDL) to Zealandia Navy page.

27/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Glorfindel (DD) to Zealandia Navy page.

27/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Imrahil (DD) to Zealandia Navy page.

28/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Durthang (DDE) to Zealandia Navy page.

29/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Valinor (DD) to Zealandia Navy page.

30/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Menelcamar (DD) to Zealandia Navy page.

31/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Bywater (DDE) to Zealandia Navy page.

31/08/2017 - Added new ship RZS Aegnor (DD) to Zealandia Navy page.

01/09/2017 - Added Zealandian Submarine Service to Zealandia Navy page.

02/09/2017 - Added new ship RZS Sauron (DS) to Zealandia Navy page.

03/09/2017 - Added new ship RZS Forod-Waith (BC) to Zealandia Navy page.

03/09/2017 - Added new ship RZS Ladros (AML) to Zealandia Navy page.

05/09/2017 - Added new ship RZS Rohinzil (AAS) to Zealandia Navy page.

05/09/2017 - Added new ship RZS Imladris (BM) to Zealandia Navy page.

06/09/2017 - Added extra drawings to RZS Isengard (BB), RZS Rhovanion (BB), RZS Minas Tirith (CL), RZS Imladris (BM) to Zealandia Navy page.
                    These are the last drawings for Zealandia, I could do some Minesweepers and other smaller ships, but there is little you can do with a minesweeper. It is what it is. Time to dream up something else.

09/09/2017 - Added the Battle of the Falkand Islands to the Sea Battles page.

10/09/2017 - Updated drawings HMS Leviathan (BC) and HMS Dreadnought (BB) to the page Royal Commonwealth Navy.

14/09/2017 - Updated drawings HMS Neptune (ADV/TS/CVE) 4 drawings to the page Royal Commonwealth Navy.

15/09/2017 - Updated drawings HMSAS Rhodesia (ex Lion-BC) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

17/09/2017 - Updated drawings for Iron Duke Class (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

19/09/2017 - Updated drawings for Tiger Class (BC)  to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

21/09/2017 - Updated drawings for Erin class (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

22/09/2017 - Updated drawings for HMS Canada BB to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

24/09/2017 - Updated drawings for HMS Courageous (BC-13.5" & 15") to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

24/09/2017 - Added Norwegian Campaign and Denmark Strait to Sea Battles page.

26/09/2017 - Updated drawings for HMS Queen Elizabeth (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

27/09/2017 - Updated drawings for HMS Revenge (CVE?) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

28/09/2017 - Updated drawings for HMS Renown (FBB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

29/09/2017 - Added drawings for HMS Barfleur (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                     Added drawings for HMAS Australis (BC) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                     Added the Battle of Diego Garcia to the Sea Battles page.

30/09/2017 - Added drawings for HMS Majestic (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

02/10/2017 - Added drawings for HMS Hood (BC) to  Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                     Added drawings for HMS Incomparable Project to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

03/10/2017 - Added drawings for HMS Indefatigable (BB-G3) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

05/10/2017 - Added drawings for HMSAS Transvaal (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                     Added drawings for HMS Nelson (BB)  to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                     Added 13/12/1939 - Battle of the River Plate to Sea Battles page.
                     Added 12/02/1945 - Battle of Vin Nguyen (UK -v- Jap) to Sea Battles page.
                     Added drawings for HMS Warrior - Lillicrap BC designs to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                     Added drawings for HMS Bellerophon (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                     Added drawings for HMSAS Sud Afrika (BC) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

06/10/2017 - Added lots of drawings for HMS King George V (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                     Added drawings for HMS Vanguard (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

08/10/2017 - Added drawings for HMS Vengeance (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.
                     Added drawings for HMAS Oceania (BB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

15/10/2017 - Added new ship RZS Mordor (BC) to Zealandia Navy page.

22/10/2017 - Added drawings to HMS Chatham (CLE) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

26/10/2017 - Added drawings to HMS Dreadnought (BB) as Battleship/TS/ADV to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

30/10/2017 - Added drawings for HMS St Vincent class as Battleship/TS/ADV to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

03/11/2017 - Added drawings for HMS Bellerophon (BB) as Battleship/TS/ADV to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

10/11/2017 - Added drawings for HMAS Brabant (CA) as CA/TS/ADV to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

14/11/2017 - Added drawings for HMAS Tasmania (ADV) and HMAS Manawatu (CVL) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

17/11/2017 - Added drawings for HMSAS Wildebeest (CB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

19/11/2017 - Added text to The Battle of Tristan Da Cunha to the Sea Battles page.

28/11/2017 - Added drawings for HMS Birmingham (CL) to Royal Commonwealth Navy

03/12/2017 - Added drawings for HMS Arethusa CL to Royal Commonwealth Navy

21/12/2017 - Merry Xmas to one and all. Added drawings for the RN C Class cruisers to Royal Commonwealth Navy. You will see why it has taken me so long to produce this page. Big job.

27/12/2017 - Last one for this year - added drawings for RN D Class cruisers to Royal Commonwealth Navy. A happy New Year to everybody.

02/01/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Emerald / Formidable to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

03/01/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Glorious (CL/A) to Royal Commonwealth Navy. Updated HMS Cornwall (CA) page and drawings.

09/01/2018 - Added drawings for HMAS Geelong (CA) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

10/01/2018 - Added text for Battle of Ironbottom Sound (CA -v- CA) to Sea Battles page.

13/01/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Exeter (CA) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

14/01/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Leander (CL) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

15/01/2018 - Added drawings of HMAS Melbourne (CL) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

16/01/2018 - Added drawings of HMS Sirius (CL) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

17/01/2018 - Added drawings of HMS Dido / HMAS Mount Perry / HMSAS Kiliminjaro to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

19/01/2018 - The last three cruiser classes for the Commonwealth were built at a time when bigger was better and with an eye to the future. The RN, RAN, and SAN would not get the chance to build ships like these in
                    a 'Peace' environment. Once the new Governments arrived they would be voted in on a 'slasher' budget for the Armed Forces.
                    Added drawings for, HMS Naiad (CLA), HMSAS Angola (CB) and HMS Princess Royal (CB) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

21/01/2018 - Added upgraded drawing for HMAS Mount Parkes to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

30/01/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Romola (DD/E) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

04/02/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Simoom (DD-E) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

08/02/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Marksman (DDL) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

09/02/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Vanoc/Wakeful (DD) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

11/02/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Shakespeare (DDL) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

16/02/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Acheron-to-Icarus (DD) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

20/02/2018 - Redrawn the A-I Leaders (DDL) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

23/02/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Afridi (DDL) (Tribal Class) and HMS Javelin (DD) (J-K-L-M-N classes) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

24/02/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Brissenden (Hunt Class-DDE) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

25/02/2018 - Added drawings for  HMS Onslow (O-P class-DD) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

26/02/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Arbuthnot (DDE/FG) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

02/03/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Savage (Q-Z class-DD) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

04/03/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Saintes (Battle Class DDL) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

06/03/2018 - Added drawings for HMSAS Crocodile (TS/ML) and HMAS Princess Irene (ML) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

07/03/2018 - Added drawings for HMS Adventure (ML) & HMS Abdiel (ML) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

09/03/2018 - Added drawings for HMSAS Springbok (ML) to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

20/05/2018 - Added drawings for FAN Gascogne/Alsace Lend Lease types to French Navy page. These drawings originated with a Shipbucket challenge.

07/06/2018 - Added Battle of Denmark Strait Version 2 (the Atlantean Version) to Sea battles page.

17/06/2018 - Added HMS Europa to Royal Commonwealth Navy. (Sorry, it took a long time to get the various battles slotted into the rest of the war.)

29/06/2018 - Added HMS Mars to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

10/07/2018 - Added Hunt/Aberdare class minesweepers to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

18/07/2018 - Added Halcyon class minesweepers to Royal Commonwealth Navy.

Problems with Freehosting.com

12/08/2018 - Added Minesweepers Latrobe, Bangor and Algerine to Royal Commonwealth Navy

17/08/2018 - Added monitor HMS Skirmisher to Royal Commonwealth Navy

20/08/2018 - Added monitor HMS Marshal Soult to Royal Commonwealth Navy

22/08/2018 - Added Escort HMS Acacia to Royal Commonwealth Navy

23/08/2018 - Added Escort HMS Kingfisher to Royal Commonwealth Navy

28/08/2018 - Added Monitor HMS Erebus to Royal Commonwealth Navy

01/09/2018 - Added Monitor/TS HMSAS Rhinoceros to Royal Commonwealth Navy

01/09/2018 - Added Monitor HMS Destruction to Royal Commonwealth Navy

03/09/2018 - Added Frigates of the River/Loch/Bay Classes to Royal Commonwealth Navy

06/09/2018 - Added HMAS Echidna class monitors to Royal Commonwealth Navy

08/09/2018 - Added Fairmile MTB/MGB to Royal Commonwealth Navy

09/09/2018 - Added Vosper MTB/MGB to Royal Commonwealth Navy

11/09/2018 - Added HMSAS Ostrich monitor to Royal Commonwealth Navy

12/09/2018 - Added HMAS Cassowary monitor to Royal Commonwealth Navy (added drawing to CL Melbourne 16x6" - added old drawing to CL Leander)

13/09/2018 - Added HMS Roberts monitor to Royal Commonwealth Navy (added extra drawing to BC Sud Afrika and CLA Dido - Inconstant)

14/09/2018 - Added Shoreham Class Sloops to Royal Commonwealth Navy (added another quad mounting drawing with heavy AA to Nelson class. Added Frobisher/Hawkins class drawings 7.5"/AA.)

16/09/2018 - Added Grimsby/Bittern/Black Swan Classes sloops to Royal Commonwealth Navy  (Updated Iron Duke drawings with AA version.)

17/09/2018 - Added HMS Prince Robert  AA Ship and HMS Laconia AMC and HMSAS Duiker Island depot ship  to Royal Commonwealth Navy  

20/09/2018 - Added Fleet Air Arm to Royal Commonwealth Navy  (Unless I dream up any more ship types to add to the Commonwealth navies this should be the last.)

23/09/2018 - Added KM Derfflinger to the Germanic States Navy, this is part of the new 'Superimposed Germanic States' which I will continue to add to, and update the older drawings.

24/09/2018 - Added KM Lutzow BC and KM Anhalt-Dessau CVE to the Germanic States Navy

26/09/2018 - Added 08/05/1940 - Battle of the Norwegian Sea to Sea Battles page, added drawings to KM Graf Von Roon

27/09/2018 - Added KM Mackensen and KM Admiral Hipper Battlecruisers to the Germanic States Navy

28/09/2018 - Added KM Scharnhorst 9x13.8 and Scharnhorst/Bismarck Battleships to the Germanic States Navy

29/09/2018 - Added KM Scharnhorst / Bismarck and KM Hindenburg (BB's)  to the Germanic States Navy

01/10/2018 - Added KM Graf Zeppelin aircraft carrier to the Germanic States Navy

06/10/2018 - Added KM Baron Von Richtoften (CVL)  to the Germanic States Navy

11/10/2018 - Added KM Vaterland (CV) to the Germanic States Navy

12/10/2018 - Added Miscellaneous CV projects, added new views to Admiral Schroder (CA) to the Germanic States Navy

12/10/2018 - Added KM Prinz Eugen Class heavy cruisers to the Germanic States Navy

13/10/2018 - Added new drawings to Manteuffel (CB) to the Germanic States Navy

14/10/2018 - Added KM Von Der Tann heavy cruiser to the Germanic States Navy

15/10/2018 - Added KM Admiral von Brandenburg heavy cruiser to the Germanic States Navy

18/10/2018 - Added KM Frankfurt AA cruiser to the Germanic States Navy

19/10/2018 - Added KM Dresden AA cruiser to the Germanic States Navy

20/10/2018 - Added KM Emden cruiser (updated drawings) to the Germanic States Navy

23/10/2018 - Added KM Koln light cruiser to the Germanic States Navy

25/10/2018 - Added KM Leipzig light cruiser to the Germanic States Navy

26/10/2018 - Added KM Rostock medium cruiser and KM Breslau AA cruiser to the Germanic States Navy

29/10/2018 - Added KM Drache destroyer leader to the Germanic States Navy

30/10/2018 - Added KM Lignite destroyer escort to the Germanic States Navy

01/11/2018 - Added KM Baldr destroyer to the Germanic States Navy

04/11/2018 - Added KM T-01 & T-25 (TB) destroyer escorts to the Germanic States Navy

05/11/2018 - Added KM T-50 destroyers to the Germanic States Navy

06/11/2018 - Added KM Z1 destroyer leaders to the Germanic States Navy

08/11/2018 - Added KM Z25 destroyer leaders to the Germanic States Navy

09/11/2018 - Added KM Z60 & KM T-75 destroyers to the Germanic States Navy

10/11/2018 - Added Schnellboot (SB) to the Germanic States Navy

11/11/2018 - Added A-01 torpedo boats and KM Brummer minelayers to the Germanic States Navy

13/11/2018 - Added KM Lowe minelayers and KM Luchs Flottenbegleitter to the Germanic States Navy

14/11/2018 - Added KM Kondor escort to the Germanic States Navy

15/11/2018 - Added KM Torpedo Gunboats to the Germanic States Navy

16/11/2018 - Added KM Minesweepers to the Germanic States Navy

30/12/2018Tyrrhenian Notes and MapsTyrrhenian Ship PageTNS Cyprus (1908). (Fixed the link errors)

06/01/2019 - Added TNS Ibiza to Tyrrhenian Navy, updated Tyrrhenian Navy page.

10/01/2019 - Added TNS Sardinia to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

16/01/2019 - Added TNS Crete to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

18/01/2019 - Added TNS Majorca to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

19/01/2019 - Added TNS Cyprus to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

22/02/2019 - Added TNS Tyrrhenia to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

29/01/2019 - Added TNS Cyprus to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

01/02/2019 - Added TNS Syracuse to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

04/02/2019 - Added TNS Heraklion to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

13/02/2019 - Added overhead drawings to TNS Syracuse - Doing overheads does add to the drawings but it can take a lot of extra time if I have to draw a lot of the overhead parts for each drawing.

22/02/2019 - Added TNS Augustus to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

01/03/2019 - One of my passions away from the computer is golf. Today I had the pleasure of hitting my second hole-in-one. As any golfer knows this is on of the greatest pleasures a golfer can know. Pics and text here.

04/03/2019 - Added TNS Caesar to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

21/03/2019 - Added TNS Ajaccio to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

22/03/2019 - Got the new trophy and added photo to Hole-in-one page

16/05/2019 - Added TNS Emperor to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

26/05/2019 - Added TNS Palma to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

22/06/2019 - Added TNS Duke to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

03/09/2019 - Added TNS Valetta to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

18/12/2019 - Added TNS Cicero and TNS Calbria to Tyrrhenian Navy page.  Nice to have some warm weather back in my world again. To celebrate a 2 for 1 special.

27/02/2020 - Finally finished adding all the Shipbucket Challenge drawings into the correct page with links. A lot of the drawings have since been added to other Country headings, often in a more complete or even altered
                       (again) drawings. The full list (62 entries) can be found here: Shipbucket Challenges

31/03/2020 - Added TNS Aquila, cruiser to Tyrrhenian Navy page.    Stay safe everyone.

09/08/2020 - Added TNS Icarus, light carrier to Tyrrhenian Navy page.

16/10/2020 - Added new page Special Projects and added first page BB Caraciolo

19/10/2020 - Added BC Aquitaine to Special Projects page

21/10/2020 - Added BC Utrecht to Special Projects page

24/10/2020 - Added BC Warrior to Special Projects page

26/10/2020 - Added KM Admiral von Roon to Special Projects page.

28/10/2020 - Added IJN Kanto to Special Projects page.

29/10/2020 - Added USS Guam to Special Projects page.

31/10/2020 - Added SNS Rurik III to Special Projects page.

02/11/2020 - Added BNS Riachuelo/HMS St George to Special Projects page.

07/11/2020 - Added KM Yorck to Special Projects page.

09/11/2020 - Added HMS Devastation to Special Projects page.

10/11/2020 - Added USS Louisiana to Special Projects page. After twelve drawings on this project I am starting to run out of Ideas.

10/11/2020 - Added Battle of Denmark Strait and Battle for JW60 to Sea Battles page

12/11/2020 - Added NRP Braganza to Special Projects page.

14/11/2020 - Added ARA Buenos Ares to Special Projects page.

16/11/2020 - Added Battle of Diego Garcia 09/02/1940 - Indian-Ocean to  Sea Battles page

17/11/2020 - Added TRG Torgud Reis to Special Projects page.

18/11/2020 - Added RHNS Salamis to Special Projects page. Added Battle of Sochi to TRG Torgud Reis drawings.

19/11/2020 - Added SPS Ebro to Special Projects page.

21/11/2020 - Added FAN Champagne to Special Projects page.

23/11/2020 - Added CNS Atacama to Special Projects page.

24/11/2020 - Added BAV Maracaibo to Special Projects page.

25/11/2020 - Added RNoN Eidsvold to Special Projects page.

27/11/2020 - Added IJN Amagi to Special Projects page.

30/11/2020 - Added HMZS Oceania to Special Projects page.

01/12/2020 - Added ANU Durazno to Special Projects page. I have run out of ideas for more drawings for the Special projects page. Quite happy for people to send me some more ideas.

05/12/2020 - Added MGP Almirante Grau to Special Projects page. Took a few days to think of this one.

08/12/2020 - Added HMS Nelson to Special Projects page. Thanks Nick.

09/12/2020 - Added HSMS Kung Gustaf to Special Projects page.

12/12/2020 - Added KM Seydlitz to Special Projects page.

15/12/2020 - Added KM Scharnhorst 9x16.5 to Germanic States page.

17/12/2020 - Added HMS Howe to Special Projects page.

18/12/2020 - Added HMS Anson to Special Projects page.

22/12/2020 - Added FAN Loire to Special Projects page. MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all. I hope your Christmas brings you all the joy and happiness you could wish for!

24/12/2020 - Aded RM Dante Alighieri to Special Projects page. Christmas special.

25/12/2020 - Added extra drawing to RM Dante Alighieri in Special Projects page.

29/12/2020 - Added ICNS Dingyuan to Special Projects page.

01/01/2021 - Added PCS Gdansk to Special Projects page.  HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.

12/01/2021 - Split GS Ostereich page on its own for easier location. I will split some of the other multi-ship pages (like King George V) in following weeks.

13/01/2021 - Added 30/08/1941 - Battle of Denmark Strait (Scandinavian edition) to Sea Battles page. You will see why it has taken me a few days to produce.

17/01/2021 - Added GNS Herzgovia to Special Projects page.

24/01/2021 - Added ANS Hyperion to Special Projects page. (Has battle for the convoys on same page)

27/01/2021 - Added ANS Atlas to Special Projects page. (For someone who was running out of ideas at the beginning of December I have done fairly well. Getting tougher all the time though.)

01/02/2021 - Reconfigured the Royal Commonwealth Navy BB/BC pages to split up the multiple page entries. Also added in the Special Project ships into the mix. Makes a bit more sense out of what I drew. (SP ships in red)

03/02/2021 - Added HMS Indomitable (BC) to the Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

14/02/2021 - Added HMS Dreadnought (BB) Superimposed to the Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

18/02/2021 - Added HMS Colossus (BB/ADV/CVE) to the Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

23/02/2021 - Added IJN Yamato II to the Japanese Navy Page: I have also updated the write up for the Japanese Navy.

24/02/2021 - Computer went phut.

27/02/2021 - Took another couple of days to source a new one. Went to clone the Hard Drive only to find it has an input/output error. Only showing 16% of drive rather than 60 odd % it should have been. Went to bed before suicide.

28/02/2021 - New Day. Tried all sorts of programs to repair mbr/gpt, partitions. Eventually managed to get the data off the drive that I really wanted and dumped the rest. C'est la vie.

04/03/2021 - Then spent the last few days reloading programs and trying to find where I had put those passwords for them. All great fun. NOT. Might be able to get back to all of the Japanese ideas I have soon.

09/03/2021 - Added younger version of HMS Indomitable (BC) to the Royal Commonwealth Navy page.

12/03/2021 - Added IJN Fuso in various versions  to the Japanese Navy Page: (keep an eye on the Japanese Navy page as I am making changes to it regularly.)

17/03/2021 - Updated IJN Shikishima and IJN Konishi drawings, bring them more up to date on the Japanese Navy Page: Updated IJN Hyuga with real life conversion project drawings.

20/03/2021 - Updated and added new drawings to IJN Tsugaru on the Japanese Navy Page

21/03/2021 - Updated and added drawings to IJN Furutaka on the Japanese Navy Page

26/03/2021 - Updated and added drawings to IJN Settsu on the Japanese Navy Page

27/03/2021 - Updated and added drawings to IJN Satsuma on the Japanese Navy Page

30/03/2021 - Updated and added drawings to IJN Kurama on the Japanese Navy Page

02/04/2021 - Added new and updated drawings to IJN Ikoma on the Japanese Navy Page

04/04/2021 - Added IJN Kongo page and updated IJN Kashima page in the Japanese Navy Page.

05/04/2021 - Added IJN Nagato page in the Japanese Navy Pages.

06/04/2021 - Added new drawing to IJN Kasagi page in the Japanese Navy Pages.

07/04/2021 - Added new drawing to IJN Tsushima page in the Japanese Navy Pages.

09/04/2021 - Added IJN Yubari to the Japanese Navy Pages.

10/04/2021 - Added IJN Tenryu to the Japanese Navy Pages.  

14/04/2021 - Added the IJN Armoured Cruisers to the Japanese Navy Pages.

15/04/2021 - Added the IJN Tone & Chikuma classes of cruiser to the Japanese Navy Pages.

16/04/2021 - Added IJN Kuma CL/A to the Japanese Navy Pages.

17/04/2021 - Added  IJN Nagara CL/A to the Japanese Navy Pages.

19/04/2021 - Added IJN Sendai CL to the Japanese Navy Pages.

20/04/2021 - Added  IJN Ioshima CL/E to the Japanese Navy Pages.

21/04/2021 - Added IJN Myoko CA to the Japanese Navy Pages.

22/04/2021 - Added IJN Takao CA to the Japanese Navy Pages.

24/04/2021 - Added IJN Mogami CA to the Japanese Navy Pages.

25/04/2021 - Added IJN Natori CL to the Japanese Navy Pages.

In New Zealand and Australia today is ANZAC day (Australia New Zealand Army Corps) which remembers the losses of our troops in battles from World War One to the present day. Lest we forget.
To me personally there are three of my direct forbears names engraved on the memorial at Chunuk Bair in Turkey. Two great-great uncles and their cousin were dead within minutes of each other at ANZAC Cove 25/04/1915.

26/04/2021 - Added IJN Agano CLA to the Japanese Navy Pages.

27/04/2021 - Fixed naming error (completely my mistake) for the Dutch carrier HNLMS Adriaen Banckert-CV-1939

29/04/2021 - Added IJN Oyodo CL to the Japanese Navy Pages.

30/04/2021 - Added IJN Tone CA and IJN Ibuki CVL to the Japanese Navy Pages.

01/05/2021 - Added IJN Hosho CVL to the Japanese Navy Pages.

04/05/2021 - Added IJN Kii CV to the Japanese Navy Pages.

06/05/2021 - Added IJN Akizuki DDL to the Japanese Navy Pages.

08/05/2021 - Added IJN Ryujo CVL to the Japanese Navy Pages. 

09/05/2021 - Added  IJN Soryu CV to the Japanese Navy Pages. 

10/05/2021 - Added IJN Shimakaze DD  to the Japanese Navy Pages. 

11/05/2021 - Added  IJN Zuiho CVL to the Japanese Navy Pages. Just before midnight (on a rainy day) added IJN Yugumo DD to the Japanese Navy Pages.

13/05/2021 - Added IJN Junyo CVL to the Japanese Navy Pages. Added  IJN Fubuki DD to the Japanese Navy Pages.

14/05/2021 - Added IJN Taiho CV to the Japanese Navy Pages.

16/05/2021 - Added IJN Minekaze DD(E) to the Japanese Navy Pages.

17/05/2021 - Added IJN Shinyo, IJN Kaiyo, IJN Taiyo etc CVE's to the Japanese Navy Pages.

18/05/2021 - Added IJN Momi & IJN Wakatake DDE to the Japanese Navy Pages.

22/05/2021 - Added IJN Chidori DDE/TB to the Japanese Navy Pages.

23/05/2021 - Added Miscellaneous ships to the Japanese Navy Pages.

23/05/2021 - Added 40mm view to the Yamato BB to the Japanese Navy Pages. I might do a few 40mm views, especially of the carriers with their overhead views, while I dream up my next project.

22/12/2021 - Added HMS Vengeance CL to the Special Cruiser Projects page. Merry Xmas to everyone.

10/03/2022 - Added RZS Blenheim AC to the Special Cruiser Projects page. Slowly coming up with more projects.

29/03/2022 - Added Livorno/Durham CA to the Special Cruiser Projects page.

18/04/2022 - Added HMS Active/Boadicea to the Special Cruiser Projects page.

29/04/2022 - Added a 'Future' version of a refit of HMS Vanguard, to Battleship of the Future page

06/05/2022 - Added CL Dresden II to the Special Cruiser Projects page.

12/05/2022 - Added USS Anchorage CLA to the Special Cruiser Projects page.

03/06/2022 - Added USS Memphis to the Special Cruiser Projects page.

17/06/2022 - Added USS Essex and USS Langley to the United States Navy page.

18/06/2022 - Added USS Louisiana, USS Memphis, and USS Hawaii to the United States Navy page.

20/06/2022 - Added USS Saipan to the United States Navy page.

29/06/2022 - Added USS Bogue and USS Commencement Bay to the United States Navy page.

02/07/2022 - Added USS Lexington and another post-war view to the USS Essex to the United States Navy page..

03/07/2022 - Added USS Ranger to the United States Navy page.

04/07/2022 - Added USS Wasp to the United States Navy page.

05/07/2022 - Added USS Yorktown to the United States Navy page.

18/07/2022 - Added redraw of USS Essex to the United States Navy page.

20/07/2022 - Added USS Iowa to the United States Navy page.

22/07/2022 - Added USS Alaska to the United States Navy page.

24/07/2022 - Added USS Washington to the United States Navy page.

06/08/2022 - Added USS New York to the United States Navy page. (Hard work synching the overheads.)

08/08/2022 - Added USS Pennsylvania to the United States Navy page. I have added rewrites to the USN opening page and the USS Hawaii page.

20/08/2022 - Added USS New Mexico to the United States Navy page.

25/08/2022 - Added USS Tennessee to the United States Navy page.

28/08/2022 - Added USS Colorado to the United States Navy page.

04/09/2022 - Added USS Omaha to the United States Navy page.  

14/09/2022 - Added USS Pensacola to the United States Navy page. Added new CLA drawing to USS Omaha page.

19/09/2022 - Added USS Northampton to the United States Navy page.

23/09/2022 - Added USS Wichita to the United States Navy page.

25/09/2022 - Added USS Atlanta to the United States Navy page.

27/09/2022 - Added USS Baltimore to the United States Navy page.

20/10/2022 - Added USS Norfolk to the United States Navy page.

04/11/2022 - Added USS Caldwell - Wickes - Clemson (4 pipers) to the United States Navy page.

24/11/2022 - Added USS Farragut destroyer class to the United States Navy page.

10/02/2023 - Seasons greetings etc to everyone. My apologies for no work being posted in the past couple of months. I have struck a mental road block with my work on the US Destroyers.

                        I have not liked any of the three tries I  have had so far and will have another go shortly. Anyway the weather has been great and I have been playing a lot of golf instead. My other happy place.

04/06/2023 - Happy Kings birthday! That does sound strange - for the last 64 years of my life it has been the Queens birthday. My thoughts on US Destroyers - Overall look .

07/07/2023 - Apologies for the last 10 days or so of down time. My website host upgraded his servers and my website disappeared. Turned out in the end to be a VPS problem (?) and now all good.

12/09/2023 - One for Rod. Added INS Gangut Battleship to Russian Navy page.

16/09/2023 - Added SNS Odessa battleship to Russian Navy page.

19/09/2023 - Added  INS Imperator Nikolai I battleship to Russian Navy page.

24/09/2023 - Added SNS Sovietsk Soyuz to Russian Navy page.

26/09/2023 - Added GNR Romagnia to Galician Navy page.

02/10/2023 - I have started the redraw of the Venezuelan Navy Page - BAV Caracas (ACR/ADV/CVE) added BAV Venezuela (BB)

05/10/2023 - redraw of BAV Nueva Esparta (ACR) to the Venezuelan Navy Page

07/10/2023 - updated drawings BAV Merida (ACR) to the Venezuelan Navy Page. Last of the armoured cruisers, onto the BB/BC's next.

08/10/2023 - Redraw of BAV Maracaibo (BB), renamed to Venezuela the other ship I had also named Maracaibo, to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

11/10/2023 - Added BAV Maturin (BB) to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

13/10/2023 - Added BAV Trujillo (BC)  to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

14/10/2023 - Added BAV Anzoategui (BC)  to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

15/10/2023 - Added BAV Amacuro (BB)  to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

16/10/2023 - Added BAV Bolivar (BB)  to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

16/10/2023 - Added BAV Amazonas (SC/CLA)  to the Venezuelan Navy Page. (see what happens with a day of bad weather keeps me in front of the computer.)

17/10/2023 - Redrawn BAV Yaracuy (CL)  to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

17/10/2023 - Redrawn BAV Falcon (CA)   to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

18/10/2023 - Added BAV Sucre (CB)  to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

20/10/2023 - Added BAV Valencia (CA), redrawn BAV Aragua (CL) to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

21/10/2023 - Redrawn BAV Carabobo (CLA) to the Venezuelan Navy Page. Unless anybody has any other ideas, that is the last of the cruisers.

22/10/2023 - Redraw of BAV Zulia (CV) to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

23/10/2023 - Redraw of BAV Tachira (CV) to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

24/10/2023 - Redraw of BAV Guanare (DD) to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

25/10/2023 - Redraw of BAV San Cristobal (TB) to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

26/10/2023 - Redraw of BAV San Carlos (DD) to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

26/10/2023 - Redraw of BAV Barquisimeto (DD) to the Venezuelan Navy Page.

27/10/2023 - Redraw of BAV Cumana (DDL) and BAV Angel Falls (MS/ES) to the Venezuelan Navy Page. The end for Venezuela. What next?

28/10/2023 - Redraw of the CNS Coquimbo (BC) to the Chilean Navy page

29/10/2023 - Redraw of CNS Atacama (BC) and CNS Atacama (CVL) to the Chilean Navy page.

30/10/2023 - Redraw of CNS Valparaiso (BB) to the Chilean Navy page.

31/10/2023 - Added CNS Capitan Prat (LBC) to the Chilean Navy page.

01/11/2023 - Added new drawing CNS Santiago (CL) to the Chilean Navy page.

02/11/2023 - Redraw of CNS Sarmiento Lake (DD) to the Chilean Navy page.

03/11/2023 - Redraw of CNS Serrano (DD) to the Chilean Navy page.

04/11/2023 - Added CNS Almirante Riveros (DDL) and redraw of CNS Almirante Lynch (DDL) to the Chilean Navy page.

05/11/2023 - Redraw of CNS Valdiva River (MS) to the Chilean Navy page. (Last of the Chilean ships unless someone can tell me what I have missed drawing.)

06/11/2023 - Added new drawings for BNS Amazonas (CV) to the Brazilian Navy page.

07/11/2023 - Added new drawings of BNS Pernambuco (BC) to the Brazilian Navy page.

08/11/2023 - Redraw of BNS Minas Gerais BB to the Brazilian Navy page.

09/11/2023 - Did another redraw of BNS Pernambuco (BC) to the Brazilian Navy page.

10/11/2023 - Redraws added of BNS Riachuelo BB and BNS Rio de Janeiro BB to the Brazilian Navy page.

11/11/2023 - Added new drawing of BNS Esperito Santo BC to the Brazilian Navy page.

12/11/2023 - Added BNS Javary (Mon) and new drawings of BNS Maranhao BC to the Brazilian Navy page.

13/11/2023 - Added new drawings of BNS Tocantins (CA) to the Brazilian Navy page.

15/11/2023 - Added new drawings of BNS Bahia (CLA) and BNS Alagoas (CL) to the Brazilian Navy page.

16/11/2023 - Redraw of BNS Roraima (CL)  to the Brazilian Navy page.

17/11/2023 - New drawings for BNS Rondonia CL  to the Brazilian Navy page.

18/11/2023 - New drawings for BNS Brasilia CV  and BNS Santa Catarina CV to the Brazilian Navy page.

19/11/2023 - Added drawings for BNS Fortaleza (DD), BNS Belem (DD), and BNS Manaus (DDL) to the Brazilian Navy page.

20/11/2023 - Added new ship BNS Monte Cristo (CT) to the Brazilian Navy page. That is the end of the Brazilian Navy redraw. I will have to have a look to see what needs work next. Any suggestions?

22/11/2023 - One of those days you hope does not happen too often. Boo hoo!

23/11/2023 - The French are badly in need of some upgrading, redraws and new drawings, starting with: additions FAN Gascogne (BB) and FAN Dunkerque BB (16") to the French Navy page.

24/11/2023 - Redraw of the FAN Guynemer CV to the French Navy page.

25/11/2023 - Redraw of the FAN Lyonnais BC to the French Navy page.

26/11/2023 - Redraw of the FAN Languedoc (BC) with new views to the French Navy page.

28/11/2023 - Redraw of FAN Gloire (BC) with new views to the French Navy page.

01/12/2023 - New drawings of FAN Danton (BB) & Voltaire (SD) to the French Navy page.

03/12/2023 - New drawings added for FAN Courbet (BB) to the French Navy page.

04/12/2023 - Added FAN Toulouse (BC) to the French Navy page.

06/12/2023 - Added FAN Bretagne (BB) to the French Navy page.

07/12/2023 - Added FAN Bearn CV to the French Navy page.

08/12/2023 - Added redraw of FAN Dunkerque (BB) (15") to the French Navy page.

09/12/2023 - Added drawings for FAN Clemencau (BB) (16") and FAN Alsace (BB) (15") to the French Navy page.

10/12/2023 - Added drawings for FAN Commandante Teste (SPC/CVE) and FAN Joffre (CV)  to the French Navy page.

12/12/2023 - Added drawings for FAN Ernest Renan (ACR)  to the French Navy page

15/12/2023 - Added new drawings for FAN Saint Nazaire CL (ex German cruisers)  to the French Navy page.

16/12/2023 - Added new drawings for FAN Duguay Trouin (CL)  to the French Navy page.

18/12/2023 - Added new drawings for FAN Leon Gambetta (CL)  to the French Navy page.

19/12/2023 - Added new drawings for FAN Amiral Aube (CA)  to the French Navy page.

21/12/2023 - Added FAN Duquesne (CA)  to the French Navy page.

22/12/2023 - Added FAN Suffren (CA)  to the French Navy page.

23/12/2023 - Merry Xmas! I hope you all have a happy and safe holidays. Added FAN Algerie (CA)  to the French Navy page.

27/12/2023 - Added FAN La Galissoniere (CLA)  to the French Navy page.

29/12/2023 - Added FAN Normandie (BB) and FAN St. Louis (CA) to the French Navy page. One for Benson.

01/01/2024 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  Added FAN Emile Bertin (CLM) and FAN Jeanne d'Arc (CL) to the French Navy page.

02/01/2024 - Added new drawings FAN Le Mogador DDL to the French Navy page.

04/01/2024 - Added new drawings FAN Le Fantasque DDL to the French Navy page.

05/01/2024 - Added new drawings FAN Le Fier (DDE) to the French Navy page.

06/01/2024 - Added new drawings FAN Le Hardi (DD) to the French Navy page.

07/01/2024 - Added new drawings FAN Pluton (CLM) to the French Navy page.

08/01/2024 - Added new drawings FAN Bourasque (DD) to the French Navy page.

09/01/2024 - Added new ship FAN Bougainville (CC) to the French Navy page.

11/01/2024 - Added new drawings Ex German Destroyers to the French Navy page.

13/01/2024 - Added new drawings FAN Chacal (DD) to the French Navy page.

14/01/2024 - Added new drawings FAN Guepard / Aigle / Vauquelin (DDL) to the French Navy page.

15/01/2024 - Added new ship FAN Loire (Mon) to the French Navy page. That is the end of the French. I have no idea what will be next. Stay tuned!

19/01/2024 - Added RPN Resolution (BB) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

20/01/2024 - Added RPN Redoubtable (BB) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

21/01/2024 - Added RPN Relentless (BB) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page..

23/01/2024 - Added RPN Revenge (BB) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page..

25/01/2024 - Added RPN Glorious (BC) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page..

26/01/2024 - Added RPN Skirmisher (BC) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

27/01/2024 - Added RPN Dragoon (ACR) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

28/01/2024 - Added RPN Repulse (BB) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

30/01/2024 - Added RPN Retribution (BB) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

31/01/2024 - Added RPN Reprisal (BB) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page. Love using the 'R' names for the battleships.

02/02/2024 - Added RPN Illustrious (BC) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

03.02/2024 - Added RPN Reliance (BB) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

04/02/2024 - Added RPN Renown (BB) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

06/02/2024 - Added RPN Formidable (CV) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

08/02/2024 - Added RPN Vindictive (CV) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

10/02/2024 - Added RPN Fennec Fox (CL) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

12/02/2024 - Added RPN Sapphire (CV) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

14/02/2024 - Added RPN Paladin (CV) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

18/02/2024 - Added RPN Macadamia (CVL) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page. (always takes an age to get the overheads right)

19/02/2024 - Added RPN Centaur (CVE) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

21/02/2024 - Added RPN Lion (CA) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

23/02/2024 - Added RPN Leopard (CA) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

25/02/2024 - Added RPN Cougar (CA) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

27/02/2024 - Added RPN Mandarin (CLA) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

29/02/2024 - Added RPN Cataphract (ACR-CVE) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

02/03/2024 - Added RPN Bittern (CL) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

03/03/2024 - Added RPN Condor (CL) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

04/03/2024 - Added RPN Albatross (CL) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

05/03/2024 - Added RPN Gorgon (Mon) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

07/03/2024 - Added RPN Orca (DD) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

08/03/2024 - Added RPN Tarpon (DD) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

09/03/2024 - Added RPN Sabertooth (DD) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

11/03/2024 - Added RPN Gremlin (DD) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

12/03/2024 - Added RPN Albacore (DD) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

14/03/2024 - Added RPN Vendace (DD) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

18/03/2024 - Added RPN Waikato (DDL) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

21/03/2024 - Added RPN Willow (DD) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

22/03/2024 - Added RPN Akutan (DD) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page.

24/03/2024 - Added RPN Caspian (DDE) & RPN Everest (FRG) to the Royal Panagaean Navy page. That is the end of the major warships for Pangaea.

30/03/2024 - Happy Easter! My next project is a redraw/rewrite of the Greek Navy. Added RHNS Averof to Royal Hellenic Navy page. Some of the pages are there but need a lot of work.

31/03/2024 - Added redraw of RHNS Katsonis to Royal Hellenic Navy page.

02/04/2024 - Added redraw of RHNS Salamis to Royal Hellenic Navy page.

03/04/2024 - Added redraw of RHNS Thesalonika to Royal Hellenic Navy page.

05/04/2024 - Added redraw of RHNS Lemnos to Royal Hellenic Navy page.

07/04/2024 - Added redraw of RHNS Athens to Royal Hellenic Navy page.

09/04/2024 - Added redraw of RHNS Santorini to Royal Hellenic Navy page.

10/04/2024 - Added redraw of RHNS Macedonia to Royal Hellenic Navy page.

11/04/2024 - Added new drawing of RHNS Kallithea to Royal Hellenic Navy page.

13/04/2024 - Added new drawing of RHNS Heraklion to Royal Hellenic Navy page.




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