
(Antarctican Naval Ships)



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Just how weird can I make my Alternate Universe world? All in the search for more drawings to do!
70 million years ago the asteroid that hit the Yucatan Peninsular, causing such a catastrophic event, that it wiped out the Dinosaurs that had ruled Earth for millions of years, also caused the Earth to rotate North 30 degrees. Altering the shape of the earth as we know it, to a whole new layout.
Antarctica - is a very old continent. Some say it was the first one peopled. Its peoples crossing what was a land bridge between North End and Southern America and from there roaming across all of the continents during the times when they were all joined by isthmuses, while the oceans were low. When the oceans rose again, in their never ending cycle, those continents became isolated and the peoples on them advanced at their own pace. Some down mystical paths while others believed in the power of the sword, some did both. It is not until the discovery of ocean going ships that it can be discovered how each of the continents had advanced. Who was ripe for colonisation, who were too strong, and alliances made with instead.
Whereas the other continents had split into many peoples and tribes, Antarctica remained one land. Ruled by one dynasty that fathered thousands of children to run the land. A senate of ten ruled the lands, being peopled from the children who chose their own successors but they were not allowed to be from their own clan. Which gave the best of the ten clans the right to rule. No senator could rule for more than ten years, at which time he made his choice. If he died in office the others would choose for him. This meant that there were always new members arriving and leaving. Too strong a leader trying to rule on his own and dissolve the senate, would be quietly murdered and his successor chosen. Thousands of years of this rule allowed for slow but steady progress through all of the various disciplines that make up a civilisation. With my gods eye view of the world I can watch the rise and fall of civilisations. It is warfare that takes some of these civilisations ahead of Antarctica then the fall of that civilisation loses the accumulated knowledge and the rest fall behind again. It is the improvement in tools and tool making that helps with the trades and services of Antarctica. Better and better boats, then ships are built, bigger with improved methods of propulsion. Oared vessels, then sails to harness the power of the wind.
The early explorers go out but find not much except more sea. Some don't return as the power of the sea claims their vessels and crew. One explorer goes from Northend and discovers Southam, Captain Scott goes onto the Senate from his fame. More follow and plot the coastline but are put off landing by the warlike natives (painted to look menacing) who follow their progress on strange four legged beasts unknown to Antarctica. When the Antarctican ships come closer to land they are fired on by weapons that discharge sticks with sharp points that can not hurt their ships but can kill the crew. Much is learned and reported back to the Senate. Bows and arrows and other longer ranged weapons were introduced into Antarctican service.
Two scientists and there laboratory disappear, all that is left is a hole in the ground, so explosives are discovered, with all the applications that they bring. So it goes on till all of the advances are brought together into the first gun armed ships. These ships can clear a landing site of natives and allow Antarctican troops to land. Why the need to explore Southam? The natives are wearing yellow jewelry studded with gems. The avaricious Antarcticans are quite happy to kill a few thousand natives to get their hands on the loot. Major Amundsen shows outstanding leadership in this (he brings back more loot than anybody else!) and he also goes into the Senate later on his fame and glory.
History goes on with wars and peace fuelling advances but now a lot of countries were able to keep pace with development of weaponry and sciences and more money and resources need to be found to pay for it all. The period of colonisation and outright wars of acquisition started.
The major powers have grabbed what they can and now look at each other to see who would blink first. War is always just around the corner.

Antarctican Navy

 ANS Commodore Bancroft CV 1 1919
 ANS General Frobisher (CVL) CVL 2 1923
 ANS Major Amundsen (CV) CV 1 1924
 ANS Captain Furneaux (CV) CV 3 1929
 ANS General Hudson (CVL) CVL 5 1937
 ANS Major Lennon (CV) CV 8 1939
 ANS Captain McClintock (CVE) CVE 30 1941-45
 ANS General Albanon (CV) CV 4 1943
 ANS Grand Admiral Weddell (CVA) CV 2 1944-45
 ANS Admiral Byrd (BB) PD 3 1900
 ANS Captain Ross (BB) PD 4 1901
 ANS Commodore Peary (BB) SD 4 1904
 ANS Captain Shackleton (BB) BB 2 1907
 ANS Lord Admiral Hillary (BB) BB 2 1910
 ANS Admiral Barents (BB) BB 4 1914
 ANS Captain Dumont (BB) BB 4 1917
 ANS Captain Scott (BB) BB 1 1919
 ANS Commodore Baer (BB) BB 3 1934
 ANS Captain Franklin (BB) BB 3 1939
 ANS Captain Cook (BB) BB 2 1944
 CRUISERS - Light - Heavy - Anti Aircraft - Training - Armoured
 ANS Captain Mikkelson (ACR) AC 4 1902
 ANS Commodore Christensen (CL) CL 4 1905
 ANS Major Manahan (ACR) AC 4 1906
 ANS Admiral Saunders (CL) CL 4 1909
 ANS Captain Worsley (CL) CL 6 1912
 ANS Senator Bransfield (CL) CL 8 1914
 ANS Brigadier Bjaaland (CL) CL 12 1916
 ANS Captain D'Urville (CB) CB 4 1919
 ANS General Gerlache (CL) CL 3 1923
 ANS Colonel Kolchak (CA) CA 4 1926
 ANS Grand Admiral Rea (CA) CA 4 1929
 ANS Commodore Hornby (CL) CL 6 1933
 ANS Captain Noble (CLA/FC) CLA 12 1936
 ANS General Markham (CB) CB 4 1939
 ANS Senator Larsen (CLA) CLA 12 1940
 ANS Colonel Klink (CL) CL 8 1941
 ANS Admiral Wilkins (CB) CB 5 1945
 DESTROYERS - Escort - Fleet - Leaders
 ANS Sapphire (DD-LRE) DD 12 1914
 ANS Simonov (DD) DD 12 1916
 ANS Tigris (DD) DD 18 1917
 ANS Hayes (DDL) DDL 6 1917
 ANS Swan (DD) DD 24 1918
 ANS Muller (DD) DD 40 1924-30
 ANS Hearne (DD) DD 20 1932
 ANS Ronne (DDL) DDL 12 1936
 ANS Mercury (DD) DD 60 1938-44
 ANS Sirius (DDE) DDE 36 1940
 ANS Balantines (DDL) DDL 8 1945
 Antarctican Navy Beginnings   * BC-AD
 ANS Lieutenant Lyakhov (CDC) CD 4 1912
 ANS Major Middendorf (CDB) CD 2 1924
 Antarctican Aircraft AAC Lots 1920-45
 ANS Gazelle (CML) ML 2 1917
 ANS Jaguar (CML) ML 6 1939-43
 ANS Peanut (FRG) FRG 50 1942
 ANS Crocodial (CME) CME 90+ 1938+
 ANS Kumara (MS) MS   1935



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