The Hayes class was a much more powerful design than the Tigris class being built at the same time. The Tigris was following the destroyer development stream while the Hayes was a new development into the destroyer leader type. Turbine technology was getting better year on year, being fuelled by wartime pressure on resource and development streams. The Hayes class had the latest and greatest turbines available to produce the 38,000shp that propelled the Hayes class at 35 knots. Armed with low angle 5" and 2 pounder AA pom poms, they were as well armed as any destroyer of the time. They were fitted with the new longer ranged 21" torpedoes in two triple mountings. All of these improvements and they ended up only one foot longer than the Tigris type. Yay for technology improvements!

Until the Hayes class entered service, the Antarctican Navy had been using light cruisers to act as destroyer leaders. Which was a bit of a waste as the destroyers could all make 30+ knots where the cruisers were unable to make 30 knots. The advent of the Hayes type meant improved flexibility for the destroyer squadrons. There were no losses to the class during World War One. They had arrived at the end of the war when the battles had finished. Swinging around a buoy in harbour was their lot.

The inter-war years saw continued improvements to the class. The mid 1930's saw the introduction of the single 5" dual purpose guns which were retrofitted to the class as their refits came due. A quad 2 pounder mounting replaced the 5" between the funnels which meant each ship only needed four of the DP 5" per ship. The single 2 pounder guns were replaced with 20mm cannons. In that guise the ships fought the first three years of the war. Some of the survivors that made it to 1942, had the 40mm refit, which replaced the 2 pounder and 20mm weapons with 10 40mm, in one quad and 3 twin mountings. These mountings were all coupled to radar predictors for greater accuracy. Of the original six, two had been sunk, and of the other four only two were given the 40mm refit when it was decided it was not worth spending that amount of money on these old ships. The other two fought the last of the war with the 2 pounder, 20mm cannon armament.

Displacement 1,600 tons standard, 1,800 tons full load
Length 336 ft
Breadth 36 ft
Draught 13 ft
Machinery 2 shaft, steam turbines, 40,000shp
Speed 35 knots
Range 6,000 miles at 10 knots
Armament As completed

5 x 5" (5x1)
6 x 2pd (6x1)
Refits to 1940

4 x 5" DP (4x1)
4 x 2pd AA (1x4)
6 x 20mm (6x1)
40mm refit

4 x 5" DP (4x1)
10 x 40mm (1x4, 3x2)
Torpedoes 6 x 21" (2x3)
Complement 128 130 142
Notes Hayes

Quad 40mm mounting as fitted between the funnels on the Hayes class.