The two Frobisher class carriers started life as part of the Captain D'Urville class armoured cruisers. After only five and six months of work had been undertaken on the ships, they were cancelled , as armoured cruisers, and redesigned as aircraft carriers. The General Frobisher was designed and built as a typical 'flat top' carrier, and was accepted for service in 1924. This was the same period as the Hermes and Hosho were completed, but the Frobisher class having had work incorporated from their armoured cruiser beginnings could not be classed as 'from the keel up' designs. So Hermes was the first design as a true carrier and Hosho first commissioned.

While the Frobisher was already complete and running with the Scouting Force trialling different methods for the use of the new type of ship. The Kirk-by was still in the builders hands as the Admiralty trials different types of flight deck configurations. The Kirk-by had 20 foot sections of flight deck made so that different angles from zero to 30 degrees could be evaluated for both the rear and bow of the ship. It was found that the aircraft that were used in the trial had no difficulty taking off while the ship was heading into the wind at anything from 20+ knots. Having the different angles did not make much difference to the low powered biplane aircraft. The admiralty would dust off these trial results 40 years later and apply them to the more modern and larger CV's in the fleet. The Kirk-by's deck was returned to the same configuration as the Frobisher and the ship handed over to the Fleet in 1927.
(I thought about doing drawings for these trials, but, in the end, it required a lot of work that I was not willing to do.)

The main refits to these ships were the continual upgrading of the armament. The single 4.7" low angle guns are removed and replaced with 4.5" dual purpose weapons. The single 4" AA are removed and replaced with quad 2 pounder weapons. Last but not least, the old 2 pounder singles are replaced with modern 20mm Hispano-Suiza cannons. The aircraft are continually changed in and out as the new aircraft come into service. The standard complement is twelve torpedo bombers, eight dive bomber/scouts, and ten/twelve fighters.

Displacement 17,500 tons standard, 22,500 tons full load
Length 662 ft
Breadth 76 ft  (94 feet over sponsons)
Draught 27 ft
Machinery 4 shaft, steam turbines, 100,000shp
Speed 32 knots
Range 14,000 miles at 12 knots
Armour 3" side, 3" deck
Armament As completed

8 x 4.7" (8x1)
4 x 4" AA (4x1)
8 x 2pd AA (8x1)

10 x 4.5" DP (10x1)
32 x 2pd (2x8, 4x4)
20 x 20mm (20x1)
Aircraft 34 32 depending on size and type
Complement 810
Notes Captain D'Urville - completed as armoured cruiser
Captain Badygin - completed as armoured cruiser
General Frobisher -
General Kirk-by -

Aircraft available on the Frobisher class carriers to 1941.