Like the 8 gun Shackleton to the 10 gun Hillary class, the Antarctican Navy had designed and authorised the 10x16" gunned Dumont class before the first 8 gun Barents class ship was completed. The world had gone mad and the Senate knew that avaricious eyes would be turned toward Antarctica. Antarctica had successfully repelled two previous invasions and did not want to give those avaricious eyes any thought that Antarctica might be ripe for the taking. A strong Navy was a very visible deterrent. The next Scott class battleships would revert to type with an eight gun upgrade on the Dumont hull, but the upgrade guns would be 18". Only one was completed (see Captain Scott) and the ten gun follow up class was cancelled by the Senate.

The Dumont Class did not introduce any new fittings to the Navy, they were essentially repeats of the Barents class with an extra turret. In case you have wondered, the Antarctican Navy had trialled twin turrets against triple turrets and had found that overall the twins fired faster, were less intricate and required less maintenance. It was not until the new generation of battleships of the mid-1930's that triple turrets were finally introduced to the Antarctican Navy.

When you upgrade a battleship that is good to start with, and had been considered one of the best in the world. Chances are you will end up with ships fit for purpose. Lets see how I got on. No apologies for  the 'RN' look. The RN gives me a bigger choice of parts than other navies. Besides I like the RN!. Despite all that, the drawing looks good.

What did I do. Stripped all the superstructure between B and X turrets. Raised the old armoured deck and installed new (smaller) machinery, installed a new armoured deck, new superstructures, secondary armament with the dual purpose 5" system. The best was the brand new 40mm Bofors weapons in quad mountings. Twenty mountings gave 80 barrels, a massive AA barrage for enemy aircraft to get through. Six 20mm legacy mountings were left in place. Aircraft handling facilities for three aircraft and a cross deck catapult were fitted. Radar started sprouting everywhere, with even predictors for the 40mm enhancing their accuracy.

Displacement 40,000 tons standard, 44,500 tons full load
Length 743 ft
Breadth 106 ft
Draught 31 ft
Machinery 4 shaft, steam turbines, 130,000shp
Speed 28 knots
Range 8000 miles at 12 knots
Armour 13" side, 5" deck, 13" turrets
Armament As completed

10 x 16" (5x2)
16 x 6" (8x2)
8 x 4" AA (8x1)
6 x 2pd AA (6x1)

10 x 16" (5x2)
16 x 5" (8x2)
80 x 40mm (20x4)
6 x 20mm (6x1)
Aircraft 0 3
Complement 2040-2080 as Flagships
Notes Captain Dumont
Captain Crean
Captain Koch
Captain Pugh

Quad 4omm with radar predictor mounted behind. (Warthunder)