The Antarctican Navy had been using the 14" twin turret for a long time. The British going to 15", the Americans going to 16", made it sensible for the Antarcticans to go from the 14" to the 16" gun for its new ships. With Europe looking to explode any minute, the Senate ordered four of the new ships. To aid in speeding up the building process as many features and fittings of the Hillary type were to be used in the construction of the ships.

A powerful ship for sure. Built to be better than the Queen Elizabeth class. That was achieved. Bigger, better, faster, it was all three. The new 16"/45 calibre weapon was a very good gun. It could fire 32,000 yards with a 2,500 pound shell, which caused mayhem when it arrived at the other end, on an enemy ship. The ships were completed as Flagships and were used  to command the various Fleets around Antarctica. The Admirals quarters aft were only used in port as the Admiral would otherwise have a 200 odd meter run from the quarters aft to the bridge superstructure forward. All four ships made it through World War One and into the inter-war years. The ships were within the Washington Treaty limits and could be kept as is. 1936 and all four ships took their turns for a twelve month rebuild to enhance these fine ships.

The ships were stripped from B to X turret, all superstructure being removed. While the main deck was up, new machinery and a new armoured deck were fitted. The fore funnel was slanted backward to clear exhaust gases from the new bridge structure. A pair of hangars were built either side of the funnels with space made available in the aft superstructure for one more aircraft, total three. The twin 6" were removed and replaced, one to one, with the new twin 5" gun system. Four Dual Purpose AA Directors were fitted to control these weapons. The light AA weapons were the octuple 2 pounder mounting, of which eight were fitted, and eighteen single Hispano-Suiza 20mm cannons were also fitted. A now lethal weapons platform. Further enhancements in electronics kept arriving and being fitted. 1938 the first ones appeared at the topmasts, search radar.

Displacement 35,800 tons standard, 39,750 tons full load
Length 695 ft
Breadth 100 ft
Draught 28 ft
Machinery 4 shaft, steam turbines, 130,000shp
Speed 30 knots
Range 7000 miles at 10 knots
Armour 13" side, 2" deck, 14"/10"/6" turrets (6: deck from 1937)
Armament As completed

8 x 16" (4x2)
16 x 6" (8x2)
6 x 4" LA (6x1) replaced with 4" AA guns 1917
4 x 2pd AA (4x1) added 1917
Refits to 1937-38

8 x 16" (4x2)
16 x 5" (8x2)
64 x 2pdr (8x8)
18 x 20mm (18x1)
Complement 1070-1115 as Flagship  
Notes Admiral Barents
Admiral Clarkson
Admiral Hammond
Admiral May

16" shells going from shell room to hoist to go up to the turret for firing.