The four ship D'Urville class was laid down in 1915/16 in response to the new large cruisers being built by the Germanic States. As raiders abroad these ships would have posed large problems for the small trade protection cruisers or the old and slow pre-war armoured cruisers used by the Allies. (See the Von Brandenburg) Antarctica had not gone in for the battle cruiser type ships built by the European powers. A new type of ship would be required to catch and dispatch the new commerce raiding cruisers. The class was reduced to two when it was noted that the new raiders would not be completed, due to the priority of other production (namely U-boats).

The D'Urville's were classed as armoured cruisers rather than battlecruisers. The main armament of 10x9.5" could not be mistaken for the 14"-16" guns being fitted on the battlecruisers being built at wars end. They were reclassified as Heavy Cruisers when that designation was introduced through the Washington Treaty. The Washington Treaty could easily have spelt the end for these two ships as Antarctica would have to include them in its Capital Ship category or scrap them. One of the early Antarctican Battleships made way for these two ships to be kept.

The original basis for the ships was a reduced version of the ten gun battleships of the Hillary and Dumont types. The need for speed dictated a long lean hull with lots of horsepower to get the ships to the 32 knots that was felt to be required to run down the new raiders. The ships had been made large enough to be able to have lots of bunker storage for fuel oil to have the large radius of action the ships would require on the merchant shipping lanes.

1938 and the ships were showing their age. Cruisers this size were always going to be needed and they were still used as Flagships for the cruiser squadrons. The task of rejuvenating the two ships with modern fittings was felt to be a necessity. Unlike the battleships, the D'Urville's did not get stripped from from B to X turrets but had the refresh work built around the existing structures. The low angle 4.7" were replaced with dual purpose 4.5" but were reduced to ten guns from twelve as the cross deck catapult went through where one pair of the mountings had previously been fitted. A pair of hangars for the ships aircraft were fitted either side of the funnels. The old 3" AA were removed and the new 2 pounder AA guns were fitted in quadruple and octuple mountings. At this stage the torpedoes were retained and not removed till 1942. Last but not least single 20mm were added to the AA armament as needed. Electronics in the shape of gunnery directors and search radar were added. More and more electronics were added during the war. These additions were what led to the removal of the torpedoes and aircraft handling equipment to retain stability.

Displacement 18,500 tons standard, 23,500 tons full load
Length 652 ft
Breadth 76 ft
Draught 27 ft
Machinery 4 shaft, steam turbines, 100,000shp
Speed 32 knots
Range 10,000 miles at 12 knots
Armour 6" side, 3" deck, 6" turrets
Armament As completed

10 x 9.5" (5x2)
12 x 4.7" (12x1)
4 x 3" AA (4x1)
4 x 2pd AA (4x1)

10 x 9.5" (5x2)
10 x 4.5" DP (10x1)
32 x 2pd (2x8, 4x4)
20 x 20mm (20x1)
Torpedoes 6 x 21" (2x3) 6 x 21" (2x3) removed 1942
Aircraft nil 2
Complement 750-780 as Flagship
Notes Captain D'Urville -
Captain Badygin -
General Frobisher - cancelled, reordered as CVL
General Kirk-by - cancelled, reordered as CVL

Quad 2 pounder as fitted on the after bridge of the D'Urville.